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Cute Ways To Celebrate International Cat Day With The Kids
August 1, 2023

August 8th is a special day for our feline companions: it’s International Cat Day! Kitties are beloved pets all over the world. These cute, curious little balls of fur have a special way of stealing both our hearts and our chairs. This can be a fun time for kids to celebrate Fluffy, and maybe even learn some things about her. A Saginaw, MI vet lists some ‘pawsible’ activities below.


There are all sorts of fun toys and crafts youngsters can make for your feline buddy. Catnip mice are an easy sewing project. First, cut two pieces of fabric to the same size. Put them one on top of the other, outsides facing in, and sew them together, leaving a small hole. Then, pull it right-side-out. Finally, fill it with catnip and close it up. You can also make fun toys out of cardboard, paper, and even pipe cleaners. Want a more adventurous project? Re-purrpose some furniture for your furry pal.


Arts and crafts are great for teaching kids how to express themselves. Have the little ones draw pictures of Fluffy, or perhaps tell some stories about her.

Purr Activation

The kids can help make Fluffy a little area of her own. Arrange a small catio area for your furball by adding plants and some furniture pieces. You can also have the kids plant catnip seeds. (Tip: shallow totes work great for this.) A box castle would also not go unappreciated!

Fun Facts

This can be a great time to slip in some fun learning. Work a trip to the library or bookstore into your day. Find a good book about cats, and just read some interesting information about our feline pals. 

Movie Time

As the day winds down, why not pick a kitty-themed movie for the night? You really just can’t go wrong with classics like The Aristocats or The Lion King. Garfield and Puss In Boots are also fun choices.


The ultimate way to honor Fluffy? Adopt a cat! Just think things over carefully first. Adoption is a furever commitment, and is definitely not something to take lightly. If all lights are green, involve the kids in the adoption process, perhaps by helping name your new pet.

Do you have questions about your cat’s health or care? Contact us, your local Saginaw, MI pet hospital, today!  

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