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Taking Your Kitty For Walks
June 15, 2024

Our feline  buddies are all unique. While there are many furry couch potatoes out there, a number of our feline friends are rather adventurous. As you may have seen, we are generally supporters of keeping cats indoors. Fluffy is considerably safer inside, where she is sheltered from hazards such as traffic, the weather, wild animals, stray and loose dogs and cats, and, unfortunately, some people. Walking your pet allows you to provide the best of both worlds for her. In this post, a local Saginaw, MI veterinarian shares some advice on walking Fluffy.

What Are The Advantages Of Walking My Cat?

Walks provide many of the same benefits to Fluffy as they do for people. Your cat will receive some exercise, which is good for her both physically and mentally. Keeping Fluffy fit is very important to her health! Our feline friends are very energetic as kittens, but they slow down dramatically as they become older.

Going for a walk also provides your pet with stimulation. That is critical for your kitten’s mental and emotional health and well-being. Cats, like humans, require enrichment to thrive. Fluffy likes sniffing around and investigating different locations. Being able to inspect things is a lot of fun and quite exciting for your curious little pet! Of course, it’s also good for you. You’ll also benefit from exercise, fresh air, and sunlight.

Is It Okay To Walk Your Cat?

It will ultimately be up to the kitty. While walking Fluffy has its advantages, it’s vital to note that not every feline will enjoy it. If your furry bestie is shy, a walk may be terrifying for her. There’s also a danger that your cat will like those walks a little too much and start trying to escape whenever someone opens the door.

How Do I Teach My Cat to Walk On a Leash?

You should never simply put a leash on your feline companion and expect her to jog along with you. You’ll need to get your pet used to wearing a harness. When purchasing a harness, avoid anything that attaches the leash around the neck. A back clip is preferable since it is more secure.

Begin by letting Fluffy wear the harness indoors. You want her to associate the harness with something she enjoys, such as catnip or treats. She may initially flop down and refuse to move. That’s OK. Let her get used to it. She may feel nervous at first, but she should adjust soon.

The big thing is to not leave her unsupervised with her gear on. You don’t want her to get caught up in anything!

Once she’s used to the harness, you can start attaching the leash. Let her drag it behind her. She might try to play with it or run away from it. Pay close attention to her and make sure she doesn’t get caught. Don’t allow her out until she’s entirely comfortable on the leash.

Fluffy’s First Walk

First things first: make sure your kitty is current on all of her vaccines and parasite prevention medicines before taking her for a walk. Fluffy should be microchipped and wearing current ID tags. It wouldn’t hurt to acquire a GPS or air tag for her harness as well.

Keep your first walk short and nice. Just let your cat get her bearings in the yard or on the sidewalk. She may be apprehensive at first, but if she cries or tries running inside, do not push her to stay out.

When Should You Start Walking Your Cat?

Ideally, this should take place within little Fluffy’s socialization window, which runs from 3 weeks to 3 months of age for kitties. This is when she begins to establish thoughts about the world. Introducing her to new people and experiences throughout this time can help her develop into a pleasant and open-minded adult furball.

Are Walks Safe For Cats?

Most felines should be fine taking a few walks with their humans. However, there are exceptions.

Some felines are just not built for strenuous activity. Brachycephalic pets, such as Persians, are prone to losing their breath quickly and frequently struggle in extreme heat. Senior cats may also struggle, especially in extremely hot weather or cold. If Fluffy is a senior and hasn’t grown acclimated to walks yet, it’s probably best to leave sleeping kitties alone. Consult your Saginaw, MI vet for advice.

What Are the Downsides of Walking a Cat?

There are some drawbacks to consider. You won’t be able to undo teaching Fluffy to wear a harness and love walks. If your cat enjoys taking walks, she will likely want them on a daily basis. In other words, you can probably expect your feline overlord to demand walks. She may also develop the habit of trying to escape through the door.

There are obviously some safety concerns to be aware of. Be careful when you’re out and about with your furry pal! Stay away from potential hazards. You’ll want to keep an eye out for cars and loose dogs, but also for objects on the sidewalk, chemical spills, hot pavement, toxic plants, and other hazards. Use a short leash, not a retractable one; you don’t want your kitty to get more than a few steps away from you.

Keep in mind that walking cats differs significantly from walking dogs. You’re unlikely to have much success teaching Fluffy to sit, stay, or come. Allow your cute little pet to roam freely, as long as she stays in secure areas.

You should also proceed with caution when approaching trees. If Fluffy gets scared, she may instinctively try to climb one. That wouldn’t be good!

We also cannot exaggerate the dangers of allowing cats to wander freely. Never allow your cat out without a leash and harness!

Should I Take My Cat Out In A Stroller?

You might consider purchasing Fluffy a small stroller. There are several benefits to taking this way. Your pet will be more controlled and protected from potential hazards. It can also be pretty cute.

What If My Cat Dislikes Going for Walks?

While some cats like exploring and even trekking with their owners, others prefer to stay secure and cozy in their beds. Don’t push the issue! If your feline companion prefers to stay indoors, let her be.

What Other Activities Can I Do With My Cat?

Walks should not be Fluffy’s only kind of entertainment. You’ll also need to provide your furry pal with toys and entertainment. Your little buddy will also enjoy having items to investigate and climb around the house. Cat trees are excellent, but you can also give your adorable pet stuff like empty boxes and newspaper tunnels. Window chairs are, of course, highly popular among our feline friends.

Schedule An Appointment With Our Saginaw, MI Pet Clinic

Have you got any questions about walking your cat? Contact us, your Saginaw, MI pet hospital, at any time. We are always pleased to assist!

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