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Doggy Dental Issues
August 15, 2023

Have you noticed that your pup’s breath is, well, not exactly mint-fresh? This can be a sign of several medical problems, but is also often associated with doggy dental woes. Dental issues are quite widespread in our canine companions. A Saginaw, MI vet lists some of the most common ones below.

Gum Disease

Gum disease is likely the most common issue we see in dogs. In fact, as many as 80 percent of pups over the age of three are afflicted. The disease is painless in its early stages, but over time can cause tooth shifting and loss. Even more concerning, it’s been linked to some serious health issues, such as liver and kidney disease.


Abscesses can be excruciatingly painful for both people and pets. These may be accompanied by swelling, but some can be hard to spot. That’s one reason Fido’s doggy dental exams are so important!

Cracked/Broken Teeth

Given Fido’s love for playing with sticks and other hard objects, it’s probably not much of a surprise to find that he’s prone to cracking or breaking his teeth. Choose suitable playthings! 


This one is most common in smaller breeds. Many little pups, such as Pomeranians, just don’t have enough room in those tiny mouths for the 42 teeth most adult pooches have.


Misalignments or malocclusions, as they are also called, are a mismatch between Fdo’s upper and lower teeth. Some people may consider this merely a cosmetic issue. However, it affects your furry friend’s ability to chew food properly.

Retained Teeth

Most of our canine pals will lose their puppy teeth when they are around 3 months old. However, some smaller dogs sometimes don’t lose all of their teeth. These can cause overcrowding, and can affect Fido’s ability to bite and chew properly.

Unerupted Teeth

Unerupted teeth can also be an issue. If they don’t properly erupt through the gumline, they can cause cysts, which can cause Fido a lot of pain. (Note: this issue is particularly common in brachycephalic dogs, such as pugs.)


Keep an eye out for signs of dental issues. Some of the common ones include bad breath, bleeding gums, swelling, tartar buildup, drooling, and changes in eating habits. Call your vet immediately if you spot anything off!

Do you want to learn more about caring for your dog’s teeth? Contact us, your Saginaw, MI pet hospital, today!  

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