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Fourth Of July Pet Hazards
July 1, 2023

The Fourth is just around the corner. This can be a dangerous holiday for Fido and Fluffy. You’ll need to take some precautions to keep your furry friend happy, healthy, and safe over America’s birthday. A local Saginaw, MI vet lists some common Independence Day hazards to be aware of in this article.


Fireworks pose dangers in a few ways. The biggest risk here is that Fido and Fluffy will get frightened and bolt. Bring pets indoors before the show starts, and turn a radio or TV on to mask the noise. If your furry buddy is extremely anxious, offer a pet-calming product, such as sprays. If your dog or cat has a crate or pet condo, they may feel safer in that.

That all said, it’s definitely best to err on the side of caution here. Keep cats indoors, and don’t let Fido run around off-leash. It’s also important that your four-legged pal be microchipped and wearing ID tags. GPS tags and smart tags may also be worth looking into, as they do add another layer of security.


Overheating is an ongoing concern at this time of year. Fido and Fluffy already have fur coats on, and can very easily get too hot. Make sure your four-legged pal always has access to fresh water and cool areas with either shade or climate control. You’ll also need to watch for signs of overheating.


Fleas, ticks, mosquitoes, and other parasites will definitely be out and about. Make sure that Fido and Fluffy are current on their preventative care!


Toxins are another seasonal hazard. Rodenticides and pesticides are both concerning: things like slug bait or rat poison are just as deadly to Fido and Fluffy as they are to their intended victims. You’ll also need to be cautious with fertilizer and other lawn/garden products.


Having a grill out? Don’t let Fido and Fluffy eat anything that isn’t safe for them. Garlic and onions are a particular concern, as they’re often used as seasonings. Grapes and raisins are also on the no-no list. In fact, eating just one can cause pets to go into kidney failure! Other unsafe foods include meat on the bone, raw dough or yeast, chocolate, alcohol, avocado, and pitted fruits.  Ask your vet for more information.

Happy Independence Day! Please contact us, your Saginaw, MI pet clinic, anytime! 

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