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Things Cats Do Not Care About
September 15, 2024

When you are late bringing your cat’s first, second, or third breakfast, does she become a hairy, meowing little diva? Is Fluffy a charming little dictator when it comes to toys and playtime? Our feline companions take things very seriously. They are also unconcerned about a number of issues. This article includes a list of some of them from a local Saginaw, MI vet.

Your Furnishings

Kitties are masters of making themselves at ease. Fluffy will not hesitate to drape herself over the back of your sofa or clean herself while sitting on the table. She also does not mind doing her nails on your couch or chair.

Your Timetable

Have you ever been woken up by a frenzied cat? These tiny furballs take breakfast very seriously! (Fluffy also sometimes wakes her people up in the middle of the night by pouncing on their toes.

If your pet becomes rowdy and lively when you are trying to sleep, try playing with her before you go to bed. After a vigorous play session, your feline friend will most likely be exhausted and ready for yet another nap.

Your Comfort

In terms of napping, does your pet manage to occupy the entire bed while relegating you to a strip on the edge? We’re betting many of you answered yes. Case in point.


Fluffy can be incredibly affectionate, which is one of the reasons she can quickly melt our hearts. She is also highly irritable and may bite or scratch without warning. She may also start cleaning herself in the center of a room full of guests. Clearly, Man’s Second Best Friend could use some manners training!

The Plants

Many felines like sniffing and nibbling on green foliage. Fluffy looks adorable jumping out at her humans from behind plants and trying to be a vicious predator! Of course, she isn’t above tipping plants over. When given the opportunity, she will completely destroy some houseplants, such as Spider plants.

Plants do provide enrichment for cats. Looking out through the trees also helps your cute cat channel her inner tigress. Just prioritize safety. Only set out plants that are safe for your kitty companion. The ASPA has compiled a comprehensive list of them here

The Dog

Fido and Fluffy have had a tumultuous relationship throughout the years, with many ups and downs. In some situations, they’ve gotten really close. It’s always endearing to see a calm and patient dog let a kitten pounce on his tail or attack his ear. Of course, things can get a little more difficult at times. While the dog is frequently the aggressor, the cat is also occasionally the bully! Fluffy has no qualms about snatching dogs’ beds or toys.

Your Work

While many things have returned to pre-pandemic norms or settled into post-pandemic norms, one thing we don’t expect to change is the usage of video conferencing, particularly for business. We don’t have a definitive tally of how many of our feline patients have crashed their owners’ Zoom calls or walked over their laptops, but it’s safe to assume that the figure isn’t zero.

Having said that, cats will occasionally assist their owners while working. If you work from home, Fluffy could be a terrific coworker… even if she occasionally snoozes on your keyboard. We recommend selecting a screen lock time that is quite short, like 15 seconds. This will assist in lessening the likelihood that every time you walk away, your pet has caused havoc on whatever you were working on.

Their Saginaw, MI Veterinarians

Many of our feline friends aren’t happy to see us. We totally get it. The dreaded car ride often plays a big role in this. While many of our canine patients like going for drives, cats prefer to stay in their own territories. In fact, many cats are more anxious about the trip than about their appointments! We do everything we can to make appointments for our patients as quick and comfortable as possible. However, our attempts to communicate to Fluffy that good veterinary care will make her much healthier, making her more comfortable and, ultimately, happier, don’t seem to have had much effect.

Your pet’s veterinary care needs will change as she gets older, so listen to your veterinarian’s advice. However, we urge that all cats be microchipped, spayed or neutered, and up-to-date on immunizations, examinations, and parasite management. In between visits, look for indications of illness. If you notice anything out of character, contact your Saginaw, MI vet.


Kitties’ ability to hop, bend, and twist in midair is quite remarkable! We know that cats are exceptionally flexible because of their skeletal structure. However, some of their audacious gymnastics have had us scratching our heads! There’s also the fact that these small balls of fur can sleep securely in knot-like positions.

Local Wildlife

Kitties are excellent hunters. In fact, we became friends with them because of their ability to trap rodents and other vermin. Fluffy does not just kill to feed herself, though. She actually rather enjoys it! 

While watching your pet’s pride when she proudly lays a (hopefully) dead mouse at your feet is endearing, there are some reasons to be cautious. Our adorable furry friends are actually charming little serial killers. Every year, housecats destroy billions of small animals. Given the number of threatened or endangered species, this is certainly cause for concern. We advocate keeping your furry little murderess inside and providing her with catnip mice to hunt rather than real ones.

Schedule An Appointment At Our Saginaw, MI Animal Clinic

Is it time for your feline companion to have an exam? Are you looking for a fantastic veterinarian in the area? You may contact us at any time. As your Saginaw, MI pet hospital, we are dedicated to providing the best possible treatment.

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