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Is Doggy Daycare Suitable for Your Puppy?
June 1, 2024

Have you ever considered taking your pooch to daycare? This can be a great option for many pups. Fido may experience feelings of loneliness and restlessness if left alone at home for a long time. At daycare, your pup will be able to spend his time running and playing with his pals, rather than moping around and getting into mischief. Nevertheless, daycare may not be suitable for every dog. This article from a vet discusses important factors to consider when deciding if daycare is the right choice for your pet.

How Can I Determine If My Dog Is Enjoying Daycare?

Our canine pals all have their own opinions about things, and that includes daycare. Certain dogs may find it enjoyable, while others might feel fearful or overly excited. It would be wise to keep a close eye on your puppy’s behavior, both when you pick him up and when you bring him back.

If Fido gets excited when you mention ‘Daycare’ and wags his tail the entire way there, it’s probably safe to say that he truly enjoys it. If he seems fearful and unsettled, he may not be the most suitable choice. Pickup time can also be pretty telling. When you pick up your canine companion from daycare, you might notice a change in his temperament if he doesn’t enjoy being there. He might seem frightened or disturbed, and his behavior may be uncharacteristic.

A reputable daycare will also employ knowledgeable staff members who thoroughly assess each dog in their care. Experienced observers can frequently spot puppies who aren’t enjoying themselves. Inquire about Fido’s performance from the staff.

What Is The Recommended Frequency For Taking My Dog To Daycare?

This one varies, just depending on the dog and the individual involved. Many puppies would eagerly come every day while you’re at work. Given the choice, others would probably go for a less frequent schedule. Feel free to try out various schedules to find what suits you and your furry friend best. 

What Are the Benefits of Dog Daycare?

As mentioned earlier, daycare provides Fido with the opportunity to socialize and play with his furry companions. This can be super helpful in preventing him from feeling lonely or engaging in any mischievous behavior at home. However, there are other benefits as well. 

These are some of the important ones:

  • Socialization: Proper socialization is crucial for puppies to develop proper social skills. This enables little Fido to form an open mind about new experiences, and just give him a positive outlook on life overall. Insufficient socialization during puppyhood can lead to increased aggression and anxiety in adult dogs. letting tiny Fido socialize and play with other dogs can be quite helpful.
  • Exercise: Although we do have some furry patients who prefer a more sedentary lifestyle, the majority of dogs at daycare are highly energetic. Fido will probably expend a significant amount of his excess energy (aka doggy zoomies) at daycare. This can be beneficial not only for maintaining his fitness, but also for your own benefit. Your canine companion will probably be tired when you pick him up. That means he will be ready for cuddles and quality time, instead of being hyperactive with stored-up energy. You can wind down together.
  • Safety: Safety is of utmost importance in daycare. Dogs can experience significant distress when left alone. This can cause them to make desperate attempts to escape. Fido might try to rip through the carpet, rummage through the garbage, or devour your couch. (Note: if your furry friend gets extremely anxious when left alone, he may have separation anxiety. Ask your vet for more information.) 

Which Breeds Thrive In A Daycare Environment?

As one might expect, doggie daycare is best for sociable, high-energetic dogs who enjoy mingling with their peers and have plenty of energy to burn off. Our ideal furry ‘student’ is well-mannered, outgoing, playful, and friendly.

Many dogs thoroughly enjoy daycare. Toy breeds, for instance, are often recognized for their affectionate nature and tendency to enjoy being lap dogs. However, these guys also adore running and playing. Senior dogs also enjoy spending time with their canine companions. Ultimately, it all comes down to the dog.

That said, here are some of the pups you might expect to do well.

  • Golden Retriever
  • Poodle 
  • Border Collie  
  • Beagle
  • Labrador Retriever 
  • Jack Russell Terrier  

When Is The Ideal Time To Enroll My Puppy In Daycare?

This will often depend more on your puppy’s vaccination schedule than on his age. Typically, daycares require puppies to have their initial vaccinations and boosters before they can be accepted. Aside from the essential immunizations, the Bordetella vaccine is typically recommended. In specific cases, the canine influenza vaccine may also be necessary.

Typically, young Fido will have achieved those milestones by the time he reaches 12 to 16 weeks. It is important to gather specific information from both the daycare and your veterinarian.

How Can I Tell If My Dog Is Not A Good Fit For Daycare?

Every dog is unique, with distinct traits. We cannot simply check this off based on breed alone. A lot of it has to do with Fido’s past and personality.

In addition to thoroughly assessing each dog in their care to make sure it’s a good fit, good daycares also look out for the other dogs’ safety and comfort.

Given that, here are a few indications that Fido may not thrive in a daycare setting.

Aggressive Dogs: Although training can help address aggressive behavior in dogs, it is not suitable for them to be in a doggie daycare setting. There are various reasons why dogs can display aggression, such as territorial behavior, fear, and social dynamics within a pack. Regardless of the reason, this is definitely a deal-breaker.

Intact Dogs: Dogs that have not been spayed or neutered are typically not allowed to attend daycare. It is widely known that intact male dogs have a higher tendency for aggression compared to their neutered counterparts. Pups will also compete for intact females. Overall, there is a significant potential for unnecessary conflicts among pets that have not been spayed or neutered. Make an appointment with your vet as soon as possible if your dog hasn’t been spayed or neutered yet.

Large Canines: Certain larger dogs have a tendency to be rather laid-back, content to spend their days dozing off and indulging in fantasies of bacon. That shouldn’t be an issue. On the other hand, a dog of significant size that lacks training or is highly energetic can be a potential danger to other dogs or people due to its size.

Shy Dogs: Unfortunately, timid dogs are especially vulnerable to being targeted or harassed. In addition, anxious puppies frequently have a strong aversion to daycare and prefer the comfort of their own doggy beds at home.

If you have any doubts about whether daycare is suitable for your dog, get some advice from your veterinarian and the daycare staff.

Visit Our Saginaw, Mi Animal Hospital

Is your canine pal due for vaccinations, an exam, or parasite control? Do you need to schedule spay/neuter surgery? Feel free to reach out to us anytime. As your Saginaw, MI pet hospital, we are here to help! 

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