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Things Your Cat Wants To Know Right Meow
January 15, 2023

One of the first—and most adorable—pet holidays is just around the corner. Answer Your Cat’s Questions Day is January 23rd! Read on as a local Saginaw, MI vet lists some of the things your kitty wants to know.

Why Can’t I Play With That?

Kitties are very playful, which is one of their most adorable traits. Of course, Fluffy sometimes tends to want to play with the things that are most likely to be unsafe. Don’t let your furry friend play with small or sharp objects, items with ropes or cords, or anything else that may be unsafe. Ask your vet for petproofing tips.

Why Can I See The Bottom Of My Food Bowl?

If you’re late with Fluffy’s third breakfast, you may expect an earful from your furball. Of course, if your pet is getting a bit round, that meow may be a lie! 

Where Are My Toys?

It’s important for kitties to have lots of toys to pounce on. Of course, many of your pet’s catnip mice will probably end up under the couch sooner or later. Remember to retrieve Fluffy’s playthings regularly!

Why Are You Laughing At Me?

Our feline pals are small, but they have pretty big egos. Fluffy may think of herself as a tiny lion, but she still looks pretty silly when she’s attacking your fuzzy slipper or twisting herself up into a pretzel position.

Why Did You Move Me?

If we know one thing about cats, it’s that they’re extremely devoted to their napping schedules. If you move your feline buddy midway through one of her 43 daily snooze sessions, you may get an annoyed little meow of kitty indignation.

Why Do You Keep Bringing The Dog Back?

Cats and dogs can—and do—get along, but they also sometimes fight like, well, cats and dogs. It’s probably safe to say that Fluffy has a lot of questions about her canine roommate!

Why Can’t I Go Out?

You could tell Fluffy the answer to this one: she’s much safer staying inside, where she is protected from things like cars, weather, poisonous plants, and the neighbor’s dog. However, she’ll probably just yawn and lick her paws.

That may take care of Fluffy’s questions, but what about yours? Please contact us, your Saginaw, MI pet hospital, with any questions or concerns about your kitty’s care. We’re here for you! 

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